Kim Michalis, a renowned New Zealand actor, has made a lasting impact within the Xenaverse, commencing her journey in the 1995 television film "Hercules and the Amazon Women," where she effortlessly brought to life the character of "Young Alcmene." Her captivating performance would later lead to her reprise of the role in three episodes of the critically acclaimed series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" (H:TLJ),specifically in "Armageddon Now," "Armageddon Now Part 2," and "Twilight."
Michalis' impressive range was further showcased in her portrayals of Lea in H:TLJ's "The Wedding of Alcmene" and "The Sword of Veracity," as well as Scilla in H:TLJ's "Eye of the Beholder." Her versatility as an actor was also demonstrated in her role as Daughter #2 in the 1994 television film "Hercules and the Circle of Fire."
Beyond her work in the Hercules franchise, Michalis made a notable appearance in the popular television series "Xena: Warrior Princess" as Natassa in the episode "Last of the Centaurs."