Jayme Guimarães Periard, a renowned Brazilian actor, embarked on his theatrical journey prior to 1981, joining the esteemed Martins Pena theater school, where he received guidance from accomplished professionals such as José Wilker, Mona Lazar, Denise Stoklos, and others. As his passion for acting grew, he began to hone his craft, eventually transitioning to professional television and theater performances in 1983.
Throughout his illustrious career, Jayme has demonstrated his versatility as an actor, taking on a wide range of roles. In 1991, he made a significant impact by starring in the pioneering teledramaturgy program on Brazilian television that tackled the sensitive topic of HIV, the miniseries O Pordor, on Rede Globo. His impressive performance continued with his role in the telenovela Sangue do Meu Sano, produced by SBT in 1995.
In addition to his on-screen accomplishments, Jayme has also ventured into the realm of production and direction. He produced and directed As Guerreiras do Amor, a stage play by Domingos de Oliveira, and served as an assistant director for other productions.
Jayme's dedication to his craft and passion for teaching have led him to establish the Yanperi space in Barra da Tijuca, a cultural hub that he co-founded with his sister Izabela Periard. At Yanperi, he offers courses in interpretation, sharing his expertise with aspiring actors.
Throughout his illustrious career, Jayme has received numerous accolades, including an honor at the Trianon Municipal Theater Foundation in 2010 for his work as director of the theatrical production "Pedaços de Mim" in celebration of the 12th anniversary of the house.
In recent years, Jayme has continued to captivate audiences with his nuanced performances. He played the role of the psychopath Nicanor Duarte in the 2017 film Apocalypse, and in 2018, he appeared in the Netflix series The Mechanism.