Jaime Teo, a talented Singaporean artiste, is currently managed by FLY Entertainment, a reputable entertainment agency, as of January 2020.
Her journey to stardom began when she was crowned the esteemed title of Miss Singapore Universe in the year 2001, a prestigious achievement that catapulted her to fame.
Following her success, Jaime signed a contract with Mediacorp, a prominent media organization in Singapore, paving the way for her career in the entertainment industry.
In 2003, Jaime made her debut as a member of One-Fifth, a popular Singapore-Taiwan girl group, while simultaneously pursuing her passion for acting and hosting.
After exchanging vows with her loving husband, Daniel Ong, in 2007, the couple founded Twelve Cupcakes, a successful bakery business, in 2011.
Jaime's enthusiasm for an active lifestyle is well-documented, with numerous appearances in fitness magazines and other publications, showcasing her dedication to maintaining a healthy and fit physique.