Jack Matcha, a multi-talented individual, left an indelible mark on the world of television and film by penning an episode of the beloved romantic comedy series, The Love Boat. His creative endeavors did not stop there, as he also contributed to the writing of an episode of the classic sitcom, Good Times. Furthermore, Jack Matcha's impressive repertoire includes the writing credits for the 1974 horror film, Garden of the Dead, a testament to his versatility and range as a writer.
Personal Details
{"id":86820,"title":"Garden of the Dead","year":"1972","job":"Writer","permalink":"https:\/\/streamtheatre.com\/us\/movie\/garden-of-the-dead","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/img.streamtheatre.com\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_86820.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/img.streamtheatre.com\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_86820.jpg"},"released":1}
Garden of the Dead as Writer