The remarkable life of a renowned Japanese singer, affiliated with Sony Music Entertainment Japan, began with a remarkable discovery at the tender age of 15. He was scouted by the esteemed Johnny's Jimusho, leading to his professional debut under a stage name the following year. Initially, he was part of Johnny & Associates, but a pivotal decision in 1976 led him to Burning Production Co., Ltd., marking a new chapter in his illustrious career.
Beyond his remarkable musical journey, his personal life has been filled with significant milestones. In 1987, he exchanged vows with the talented actress Nitani Yurie, and together they welcomed two beautiful daughters. However, the couple's happiness was short-lived, as they parted ways in 1998.
Undeterred, he embarked on a new chapter in his personal life, remarrying in the year 2000. Although this union did not last, he continued to navigate the complexities of love, eventually finding happiness once more. In April 2005, he divorced his second wife, paving the way for his third and current marriage to the charming Tokutake Rina, a former talento and office worker. The couple's union was formalized on March 31st, 2012.
This remarkable journey took an exciting turn in July 2014, as he welcomed twin boys, further expanding his loving family. Throughout his life, he has demonstrated resilience, adaptability, and a deep commitment to his personal and professional pursuits, earning him a revered place in the hearts of fans and admirers alike.