Hatem Ali, a renowned Syrian actor and director, embarked on a remarkable journey in the world of dramatic arts. After studying philosophy, he pursued a degree in acting at the prestigious Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus, graduating in 1986. Ali's early career was marked by his work as an actor in numerous television series, before transitioning to directing in the mid-1990s.
Before his directorial debut, Ali penned the script for the film "بهمو آخر الليل" and subsequently brought it to life on the big screen. His efforts were rewarded with a gold medal at the esteemed Cairo Radio and Television Festival.
As a director, Ali left an indelible mark on the world of Syrian television, creating a plethora of iconic series, including "فارس في المدينة", "مرايا 98", "مرايا 99", "الفصول الأربعة", "الزير سالم", "صلاح الدين الأيوبي", and "التغريبة الفلسطينية". Additionally, Ali's cinematic endeavors yielded three feature films: "العشاق", "سيلينا", and "الليل الطويل".
Furthermore, Ali co-founded an artistic production company called "صورة", through which he produced a variety of television works, cementing his status as a respected figure in the Syrian entertainment industry.