Fritz, a seasoned surgeon turned environmental geographer, embarked on a fascinating journey to unravel the enigmatic biblical account of the Exodus from Egypt. As he delved deeper into the mystery, he became increasingly convinced that the location of the miraculous sea crossing held the key to uncovering the long-lost route to Mount Sinai.
In his pursuit of knowledge, Fritz obtained a PhD in Environmental Geography, dedicating his 2006 doctoral dissertation to the topic of "The Lost Sea of the Exodus". This groundbreaking research not only shed new light on the historical significance of the Exodus, but also provided a crucial clue for understanding the journey to Mount Sinai.
Fritz's academic endeavors did not stop there. He went on to publish another book, "The Exodus Mysteries: of Midian, Sinai & Jabal al-Lawz", in 2019. This comprehensive work further solidified his reputation as a leading expert in the field of biblical geography and reinforced his commitment to unraveling the secrets of the ancient world.
Fritz is a highly respected environmental geographer and author, with a distinguished career spanning both medicine and academia. His work has had a profound impact on our understanding of the biblical account of the Exodus, and his dedication to uncovering the truth has earned him recognition as a leading authority in the field.