A renowned British Egyptologist, David Rohl is a highly accomplished individual with a plethora of impressive credentials. As the former director of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences, he has made significant contributions to the field of Egyptology. One of his most notable achievements is the development of the New Chronology, which was first introduced in his book "A Test of Time" in 1995. This revolutionary concept reevaluates the chronology of Ancient Egypt, allowing for new correlations with biblical events.
Rohl's academic background is equally impressive, having earned an Egyptology degree from the prestigious University College London. His extensive experience in the field is further demonstrated by his role as Field Director of the Eastern Desert Survey in Egypt. As a charismatic and engaging speaker, he has built a reputation for delivering captivating lectures and presentations.
In addition to his work as an Egyptologist, Rohl is a multifaceted individual with a range of talents. He is an accomplished author, having written several books on his area of expertise. Furthermore, he has also ventured into the world of music, acting as a producer, composer, and musician.