David Charles "Dave" Haddon Hunt, a renowned American Christian apologist, speaker, radio commentator, and author, was born on September 30, 1926, and passed away on April 5, 2013. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to full-time ministry, a commitment that spanned from 1973 until his passing.
In 1992, The Berean Call was founded, featuring Hunt's work and writings. From 1999 to 2010, he co-hosted the popular radio ministry Search the Scriptures Daily alongside T.A. McMahon. During this period, he also ventured to the Near East, residing in Egypt, and authored numerous books on various theological topics, including prophecy, cults, and religions.
His literary works encompassed critiques of various belief systems, such as Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, and Calvinism. Hunt's Christian theology was deeply rooted in evangelical dispensationalism, and he was closely affiliated with the Plymouth Brethren movement.