Sunil Kumar N, a talented individual, is widely recognized by his stage name Darling Krishna, a renowned actor primarily working in the Kannada film industry. His professional journey began as an assistant director, collaborating with the renowned filmmaker Duniya Suri on the movie "Jackie". Subsequently, he worked on the film "Hudugaru", further honing his skills.
Before transitioning to the big screen, Krishna made a notable appearance in the popular Kannada television serial "Krishna Rukmini", where he played the lead role of Krishna. The show's immense popularity led to people addressing him by his on-screen name, which eventually became his official screen name.
Darling Krishna's career received a significant boost with the massive success of the film "Madarangi". This breakthrough role catapulted him to stardom, and he has since become a household name in the Kannada film industry.
Interestingly, Krishna hails from the city of Mysore, a place known for its rich cultural heritage. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) and is the son of Nagappa, a retired Police officer.