Brian Lonano is a renowned director of unconventional and offbeat short films, boasting a distinctive body of work that has garnered significant attention within the film festival circuit. His eclectic repertoire includes notable titles such as "BFF Girls", "CROW HAND!!!" and the notorious "Gwilliam". These films have had the privilege of being showcased at esteemed festivals like SXSW, Slamdance, Fantastic Fest, and Fantasia, solidifying Lonano's reputation as a master of the unconventional. Furthermore, his work has been recognized with prestigious accolades, including the "Trash and Transgression Award" at the Sydney Underground Film Festival and the "Wrongest Film" Award at the Sick n' Wrong Film Festival, a testament to his unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of the cinematic medium.
Brian Lonano
41 · Born: Jun 5, 1983