Ashley Abrams

Ashley Abrams

25 · Born: Jan 2, 2000

Personal Details

BornJan 2, 2000 Sarasota, Florida


Ashley Abrams, a 21-year-old triple threat, burst onto the scene with her captivating and unconventional style, having studied acting at the prestigious New York University and Stagedoor Manor.

Abrams made her mark as a music video director with her debut project, "over" by Andi, which garnered an impressive 500,000 views.

In addition to her directorial endeavors, Abrams co-starred in the 2020 thriller, FEAR OF RAIN, showcasing her versatility as a performer.

Currently, Abrams is actively developing THE PRUDE, THE WHORE, AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, and is set to star in VIC VISCOUS & THE FACELESS COLLECTIVE, while also directing music videos for notable voices in the LA pop-punk scene.


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