April Stewart, also known as Gracie Lazar, is a renowned American voice actress, celebrated for her prolific work in providing the voices of numerous female characters in the iconic animated cartoon TV series South Park, in collaboration with fellow voice actress Mona Marshall. Born and raised in the picturesque town of Truckee, California, Stewart's journey in the world of acting began at the tender age of 12.
Her father, Freddie Stewart, was a talented singer who had the privilege of performing with the esteemed Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. In early 2008, April Stewart welcomed her first child, marking a significant milestone in her life.
Throughout her illustrious career, April Stewart has lent her voice to an array of captivating characters in South Park, including Liane Cartman, Sharon Marsh, Mrs. McCormick, Shelley Marsh, The Mayor, Principal Victoria, Wendy Testaburger, and many more. Her impressive repertoire also includes the voice of Maria Rivera in Nickelodeon's popular animated series El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera.