Annette Reilly is a renowned filmmaker and actor, celebrated for her captivating portrayal of Diana Spellman, Sabrina's mortal mother, in the Netflix original series "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina". Born and raised in a small town in Alberta, Annette's passion for theatre was evident from a young age, prompting her to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Victoria, where she honed her skills in both acting and directing.
Upon graduating, Annette's artistic trajectory led her to the world of film, driven by a desire to bring pressing social justice issues to the forefront of cinematic storytelling. Her directorial, producing, and starring efforts in the film "A Typical Fairytale" were unveiled on Telus VOD in September 2018, garnering widespread recognition and acclaim. The film's impressive accolades include four nominations for the prestigious Leo Awards in 2019, as well as a coveted award for Best Art Direction.