Alex Grey, born on November 29, 1953, is a renowned American artist, distinguished by his profound expertise in spiritual and psychedelic art, also referred to as visionary art, which often resonates with the New Age movement. As a devout Vajrayana practitioner, his extensive body of work encompasses a diverse range of artistic forms, including performance art, process art, installation art, sculpture, visionary art, and painting. Moreover, Grey is an integral member of the prestigious Integral Institute, and his advisory role at the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics further underscores his significance in the artistic and intellectual spheres. Notably, he serves as the Chair of Wisdom University's Sacred Art Department, a testament to his profound impact on the world of art and spirituality. Additionally, Grey, along with his wife Allyson Grey, is the co-founder of the esteemed Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, a non-profit institution dedicated to fostering Visionary Culture in New York City.
Alex Grey
71 · Born: Nov 29, 1953