Alan, a native of Portland, Oregon, embarked on a distinguished career in the United States Army, serving honorably from 1953 to 1955. Following his military service, Alan pursued his academic ambitions, graduating from The University of Oregon's esteemed Journalism School and subsequently earning a Master's Degree in Communications from Boston University. With a passion for creative expression, Alan devoted his professional life to crafting humorous radio advertisements, garnering widespread recognition and accolades for his exceptional work. Among his numerous achievements, Alan received the prestigious Orson Welles Lifetime Achievement award for Creative Excellence, a testament to his enduring impact on the industry. He also won numerous awards, including Clio Awards, Belding Awards, Andy Awards, and International Broadcast Awards, solidifying his reputation as a master of his craft. Furthermore, Alan's impressive career has been acknowledged by his inclusion in "Who's Who in Advertising". In addition to his impressive advertising credentials, Alan is also well-known for his versatility as a voice over talent, famously providing the iconic voice that prompted the Energizer Bunny to keep "going and going", a role that has become an integral part of popular culture.
Alan Barzman
93 · Born: Dec 1, 1931