Abby Cross, a ravishing and voluptuous long-haired brunette beauty, was born on November 29, 1992, in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas. Her early career path was marked by a series of humble beginnings, as she took on her first job as a cashier at the iconic fast-food chain, McDonald's, at the tender age of fifteen. Prior to her foray into the adult entertainment industry, Abby honed her skills as a dancer and a bartender, developing a unique blend of talents that would eventually serve her well in her future endeavors. It was in 2012 that Cross made her debut in the explicit hardcore film industry, and since then, she has appeared in numerous X-rated features for prominent companies such as Devil's Film, Smash Pictures, Zero Tolerance, Pure Play Media, and Jules Jordan Video, solidifying her status as a prominent figure in the adult film world.
Abby Cross
32 · Born: Nov 29, 1992