Vidocq background


In 1830s Paris, the life of a renowned thief-turned-investigator, Vidocq, is tragically cut short by a mysterious figure clad in a mirror mask. Just before his death, Vidocq was on the cusp of cracking a baffling case involving men who met their demise in the most unexpected way - by being struck...

A gritty detective thriller set in 1830s Paris, where a young biographer seeks revenge for the death of his mentor, a legendary detective, and takes on the investigation of a notorious assassin.

Info about Vidocq

Studio(s): RF2K Productions, StudioCanal

Originally Released: United States, Jan 02, 2007

Production Country: France

Box Office Gross: $13,240,767.00

Genres:Action, Crime, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller