In this thrilling adventure, Tarzan clashes with ruthless ivory poachers, led by the notorious Lyra the She-Devil, Vargo, and Fidel. The poachers kidnap a native tribe to carry their stolen goods, and Tarzan is captured in the process. Believing Jane has been killed, Tarzan is subjected to brutal torture, but his despair turns to hope when he discovers she is still alive. With newfound determination, Tarzan rallies his elephant allies and leads a triumphant stampede to defeat the poachers and rescue his beloved Jane.
Tarzan and the She-Devil
In this thrilling adventure, a ruthless group of ivory poachers, led by the cunning Lyra the She-Devil, Vargo, and Fidel, enslave a native tribe to transport their ill-gotten gains. However, their sinister plans are disrupted when Tarzan, the legendary hero, intervenes and finds himself captured ...