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Tainted Blood

Raquel Welch, an author, uncovers the shocking tale of a double murder-suicide while researching her new book. The story revolves around a talented, athletic, and intelligent high school student who was adopted by his parents at a young age, but ultimately turned to violence, killing his well-res...

Raquel Welch investigates a double murder-suicide involving a high school student who killed his adoptive family and then himself. She uncovers a dark family history, including a biological mother who was a mental institution patient and a fraternal twin sister also adopted out. Believing a murderous genetic trait may be at play, Welch sets out to find the sister, suspecting one of two friends, Wagner and Green, who exhibit suspicious behavior.

Info about Tainted Blood

Studio(s): Fast Track Pictures, Wilshire Court Productions

Originally Released: United States, Mar 03, 1993

Production Country: United States

Genres:Mystery, Thriller