In the small, struggling coastal village of Ste-Marie-La-Mauderne, Quebec, fishing has vanished and nearly everyone relies on welfare. Germain Lesage refuses to leave, despite his wife Hélène's wish to move to the city for a job. The Mayor, Réal Fournier, is willing to sacrifice the town's interests to attract industry. To lure a doctor, Germain and friends Henri and Yvon try to entice every medical professional in Quebec, eventually convincing Dr. Christopher Lewis to stay for a month. To win him over, they use intelligence gathered before and during his stay, catering to his every whim and making him believe these luxuries are normal village life. Meanwhile, they must manipulate M. Dupré, the owner of a potential plastic container factory, and make him believe the town is the perfect location.
Seducing Doctor Lewis
The tiny fishing village of St. Marie-La-Mauderne is promised a new factory, but only if they can attract a full-time doctor to reside on the island.