In the aftermath of a brutal battle, the prestigious Hang Tui school is threatened by the ruthless opium dealer Chao and his gang of thugs. Following a crushing initial defeat, Chao retaliates by hiring a group of merciless mercenaries. The sole survivor, Tien Lung, a skilled student of Hang Tui, emerges from the devastation with a grievous injury - the loss of one arm. Undeterred, Tien Lung embarks on a grueling and agonizing training regimen to exact a brutal revenge on Chao and his deadly henchmen.
Info about One-Armed Boxer
Studio(s): Cathay Studios, Cheung Ming Film
Originally Released: United States, Aug 02, 1972
Production Countries: Hong Kong, Taiwan
One-Armed Boxer: Where to Watch Online?
Currently you are able to watch "One-Armed Boxer" for free with ads on Amazon Freevee, The Roku Channel. It is also possible to rent or buy on Amazon online.