King of Devil's Island background

King of Devil's Island

In a harsh Norwegian winter of the early 20th century, a new arrival at the notorious Bastoy boys' home sparks a violent rebellion against the oppressive regime. As the uprising unfolds, the young leader must confront the limits of his own morality and decide how far he is willing to go to a...

In a harsh Norwegian winter, early 20th century, a group of troubled young boys, aged 11 to 18, are trapped on the island of Bastoy, where they face a brutal daily routine of physical and mental abuse at the hands of guards and the principal. Instead of being educated, the boys are forced into manual labor, struggling to survive in inhumane conditions. When a new boy, Erling, arrives with a plan to escape, he must decide how far he's willing to go to achieve freedom.

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Info about King of Devil's Island

Studio(s): MACT Productions, 4 1/2

Originally Released: United States, Dec 20, 2010

Production Countries: Norway, France, Sweden, Poland
