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Kindness Matters

In a heartwarming tale, a young boy named Lincoln, who is bullied due to his unique speech pattern, finds solace in creating a superhero alter ego. Meanwhile, a lonely individual's life is turned around after rescuing a lost puppy. This uplifting story showcases the transformative power of k...

A young boy's imagination transforms him into a superhero, while a chance encounter with a puppy rekindles a lonely man's sense of purpose, showcasing the profound impact of kindness on people's lives.

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Info about Kindness Matters

Studio(s): Post Reel Pictures

Originally Released: United States, May 26, 2018

Production Country: United States

Budget: $165,000.00


Kindness Matters: Where to Watch Online?

Currently you are able to watch "Kindness Matters" for free with ads on Tubi TV, VUDU. It is also possible to rent or buy on VUDU, AppleTV, Amazon online.