In a bizarre and captivating tale, a group of human-like marsupials suddenly emerge in Australia, and a sociologist finds himself inexplicably drawn to a female member of this enigmatic species. As their connection deepens, the boundaries between their worlds begin to blur, raising questions about the perils of their unlikely union.
Info about Howling III
Studio(s): Bancannia Holdings Pty. Ltd.
Originally Released: United States, Nov 13, 1987
Production Country: Australia
Budget: $2,000,000.00
Howling III: Where to Watch Online?
Currently you are able to watch "Howling III" for free with ads on Crackle, Shout! Factory TV, Tubi TV, VUDU, Amazon Freevee, Pluto TV, The Roku Channel. It is also possible to rent or buy on VUDU, AppleTV, Windows Store, Amazon, YouTube online.