A group of friends, including Jonathan and his roommate Manolo, engage in a game of cat and mouse on the UCLA campus with paintball guns. When they take a break in Europe, Jonathan meets Sasha, a young grad student from Czechoslovakia, and they form a connection. Sasha asks Jonathan to accompany her on a business trip to Berlin, where he discovers she's a courier with a package to pick up in East Berlin. As they navigate the communist country, they're pursued by suspicious authorities and Russian agents. After a series of close calls, Jonathan makes it back to West Berlin, but the stakes escalate when Vlad, a Russian agent, follows him to Los Angeles, and the CIA becomes involved in the pursuit of a valuable film.
Jonathan embarks on a thrilling adventure in Europe, initially playing a game of "Gotcha" with friends on campus, using paintball guns to test their skills. However, things take a deadly turn when he travels to Paris and Berlin, where the stakes become much higher and the game becomes a...