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Gorilla My Dreams

In a hilarious and action-packed animated film, a mischievous gorilla couple, Mrs. Gorilla and Mr. Gorilla, find themselves at odds over their unexpected desire to adopt a wisecracking cartoon rabbit named Bugs. As Mr. Gorilla's primal instincts take over, he's more interested in chasin...

In this animated adventure, Bugs Bunny finds himself in the midst of a South Seas escapade, where he's mistakenly adopted by a gorilla family. Despite initial reservations, Bugs decides to play along with his new "father" and his gorilla clan, but soon discovers that his new patriarch's rough-around-the-edges nature makes for a wild and unpredictable ride.

Info about Gorilla My Dreams

Studio(s): Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Cartoons

Originally Released: United States, Jan 03, 1948

Production Country: United States

Genres:Animation, Comedy, Family, Short