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Following Yonder Star

Abby Marshall, formerly known as Abby D'Orsay, is grappling with the aftermath of her once-glamorous life as a beloved TV mom. Struggling to cope with personal challenges, she now finds herself isolated and struggling to make ends meet. Seeking refuge from her troubles, Abby escapes to a lav...

Abby Marshall (Brooke D'Orsay),once celebrated for her role as an inspirational mother on TV, is finding her real life in shambles after dealing with a scandal. She retreats to a luxury Vermont resort for Christmas only to find herself without a room due to a booking mishap. All the local hotels are booked up due to a rare astronomical event - a beautiful star said to mirror the Star of Bethlehem will appear on Christmas Eve. Thankfully, Abby finds a room at a quaint B&B, owned by Tom Maguire (John Brotherton),who is also a high school astronomy teacher. Since his wife's passing, Tom has taken on a lot of extra responsibilities, including running the inn and directing the local church's Christmas pageant. Empathizing with Tom, Abby offers to help with the pageant and various activities around the inn and finds herself enjoying both the projects and Tom's company. Through newfound community, family and love, Abby discovers that hope sometimes comes in the most unexpected ways. A DaySpring movie.

Info about Following Yonder Star

Studio(s): Hallmark Media, Inferno Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Dec 15, 2024

Production Country: Canada
