Enigma of Being Awake background

Enigma of Being Awake

As Charlie Ali's 10-year milestone since her mother's passing approaches, she grapples with the weight of her quarter-life crisis. At her art opening, a chance encounter with an enigmatic woman sets her on a path of self-discovery, leading to a whirlwind romance that unfolds over the co...

Artist Charlie Ali contemplates her mother's death after ten years. In the middle of her quarter life crisis she meets a mysterious woman at her art opening. Spending a beautiful week together two women fall in love before our eyes. Could it be love? Lust? ...or is it fate.

Info about Enigma of Being Awake

Studio(s): Aislinger Films

Originally Released: United States, Jun 16, 2016

Budget: $16,900.00

Genres:Drama, Romance