Don Giovanni background

Don Giovanni

Mozart's opera, Don Giovanni, is set against a backdrop of lavish scenery. The infamous womanizer, Don Giovanni, takes the life of Donna Anna's father, sparking a pursuit by Donna Anna's fiancé, Don Ottavio, and Donna Elvira, one of his former lovers. However, a more sinister threa...

Mozart's iconic opera comes to life on screen, as Don Giovanni, a notorious womanizer, pursues a series of conquests before facing the wrath of the ghost of Donna Anna's father, the Commendatore, whom he had previously killed. Despite being offered a chance to repent, Giovanni refuses to change his ways, ultimately leading to his descent into hell, accompanied by evil spirits. This adaptation combines high drama, comedy, and stunning music.

Info about Don Giovanni

Studio(s): Gaumont, Caméra One

Originally Released: United States, Nov 06, 1979

Production Countries: Germany, Italy, France

Budget: $7,000,000.00

Genres:Drama, Music