Devil in the Flesh background

Devil in the Flesh

The film is an adaptation of Leopold Sacher-Masoch's novel, exploring the intense desires of a young couple. The story centers around Severin's fascination with Wanda, who is seen in a sensual pose amidst furs, which sparks a series of events that unfold in a dramatic and captivating ma...

The film is based on a novel by Leopold Sacher-Masoch and explores the complex and intense relationship between a young couple. The story centers around Severin, who becomes fixated on watching his partner Wanda engage in intimate activities, which triggers a series of emotional and psychological events stemming from a traumatic childhood experience.

Info about Devil in the Flesh

Studio(s): Roxy Films, VIP Productions Ltd.

Originally Released: United States, Mar 01, 1975

Production Countries: Germany, Italy, Switzerland
