In the bustling metropolis, a multitude of stories unfold daily. The dedication of the new Brockhurst Hospital, named after philanthropist Diana Brockhurst-Lautrec's late husband, attracts the mayor and other prominent figures. However, tensions arise as the Chief of Staff, a former lover of Brockhurst-Lautrec, may reveal the mayor's alleged corruption during the ceremony. Meanwhile, a scandal threatens to erupt as photographs of the mayor and Brockhurst-Lautrec in a romantic embrace are discovered. In other parts of the city, a group of children tries smoking for the first time, a refinery worker is fired after refusing a departmental transfer, and a news anchor struggles with her aging and addiction. As multiple stories converge, a massive explosion rocks the city, putting the hospital and its patients at risk.
City on Fire
A former oil refinery worker, fueled by a pyromaniac obsession, sets off a devastating explosion that sets off a catastrophic chain reaction of fires, engulfing the entire city in flames.