The film tells the story of Turkey's most acclaimed stage band and its two members, Yavuz Cetin and Kerim Capli, who tragically faded from the spotlight. Yavuz, known as "The Golden Boy", struggled with depression and died at 31 by jumping off the Bosphorus Bridge. Kerim, a multi-instrumentalist, performed with international stars like The Monkees and Jimi Hendrix, but returned to Turkey, only to die alone in a hotel room. Both men possessed extraordinary talent, leaving behind unanswered questions about the relationship between art and healing, and whether creative expression can truly mend the wounds of a troubled soul.
The film explores the 1990s Turkish rock scene, focusing on the iconic stage band and its two members, Kerim Capli and Yavuz Cetin, as they grapple with existential crises stemming from societal pressures, the music industry, and their own inner struggles.