In the heart of the Amazonian rainforest, a ruthless trio of brothers, led by the unstable Tarquinho, raze the land and its inhabitants to claim the territory. When Vania, the daughter of a tobacco farm owner, is kidnapped, Kaí, a mysterious and otherworldly figure with a deep connection to the land, sets out to track down her captors. But who is this silent guardian, and can he save Vania and the jungle from destruction?
Info about Ardor
Studio(s): Canana, Bananeira Filmes
Originally Released: United States, Jul 17, 2015
Production Countries: Argentina, Brazil, France, Mexico, Spain, United States
Box Office Gross: $95,549.00
Ardor: Where to Watch Online?
Currently you are able to watch "Ardor" for free with ads on Tubi TV, Pluto TV. It is also possible to rent or buy on Spectrum On Demand online.