Eight years after the dismantling of Chitti due to destructive behavior, Vaseegaran has created a new human robot, Nila, designed to better understand human emotions. However, the city's cell phones begin to vanish mysteriously. Meanwhile, a bird-like creature wreaks havoc, causing chaos and destruction. Believing this to be the work of the elusive Fifth Force, Vaseegaran decides to reactivate Chitti. As he and Nila track down the source of the missing phones, they uncover a surprising truth: the culprit is actually a human force orchestrated by the late Professor Pakshi Rajan.
In Chennai, a series of bizarre events unfolds as mobile phones inexplicably take to the skies, leaving people bewildered. To combat this inexplicable phenomenon, Dr. Vaseegaran calls upon his loyal robot, Chitti, to confront the malevolent forces of Pakshirajan, a being with the ability to manip...