This animated series features three distinct cartoon scenarios: 1. In "Schnookums and Meat!," a pair of animals, Schnookums the cat and Meat the dog, engage in a droll situation. 2. "Pith Possum: Super Dynamic Possum of Tomorrow" is a spoof of the 1966 Batman TV series, with Pith Possum battling crime alongside Obediah in Possum City. 3. Finally, "Tex Tinstar: The Best in the West" parodies Western serials, introducing Tex Tinstar as a cowboy leading his team. Each episode concludes with a cliffhanger that parallels the end of serialized adventures or "Rocky and Bullwinkle."
1. Weight for Me/Phantom Mask of the Dark Black Darkness of Black/A Fistfull of Foodstamps
Aired: Jan 2, 1995When Shnookums and Meat gain 400 lbs, their owners expect them to lose weight...