Unknown threats overrun a small town in America called Mandela County. The series features creatures tied to religion, using unconventional methods to kill their victims and replace them. These are referred to as alternates, alongside "something posing as Angel Gabriel." Created by Alex Kister, the series began in 2021 with three seasons containing 3 main episodes each and 10 smaller episodes. The first volume centers around college student Mark Heathcliff receiving a call from his friend Cesar Torres regarding his mother's condition. After setting up security cameras at his house, he is followed by an alternate creature, haunting him for days. A police information tape reveals the situation. In Volume 2, paranormal investigators Adam Murray and Jonah Marshall investigate a mysterious ghost cat in Mandela County. They discover that it was set up as a trap. Volume 3 involves two police officers, Lieutenant Davis and Ruth Weaver, who are told to check out the house of Mark Heathcliff, whose principal mentions he hasn't been to school for days. They find him dead with his gun in bed and discover an eerie notebook and camera. The third volume explores another woman who killed herself after her infant went missing, leading to encounters with alternates. We learn that Cesar Torres was likely the alternate responsible for killing Mark Heathcliff.
The Mandela Catalogue
Various supernatural threats employ unconventional tactics in Mandela County.