2. The Tube/Roller Madness Aired: May 21, 1999 Sultans of Swat Mike gets all of the islanders ready for a baseball game, a ...
3. Losing Lancelot/Buzz Cut Aired: Jun 4, 1999 Losing Lancelot Lu is mean to Lancelot and loses him while everyone tries to...
4. Elephant Walk/Palm Pet Aired: Jun 4, 1999 Elephant Walk Lu tries to get a pet elephant to impress Mike, but ends up ha...
5. Yo, Ho, Who?/A Boy's Game Aired: Jun 18, 1999 Yo Ho Who Some Pirates pretend to go to the Island Thanksgiving so they can ...
6. Whole Lotta Shakin'/The Mother of All Marathons Aired: Jul 2, 1999 Whole Lotta Shakin' A volcano erupts leaving all the islanders trapped so La...
7. Hot Couture/Opposites Attack Aired: Jul 16, 1999 Hot Couture Mike is interested in the mail drop off until she gets a coupon ...
8. Scopin' It Out/The Good Ship Bad Aired: Jul 30, 1999 Scopin' It Out Lu trades Mike's music for a message from the Oracle, everyon...
9. High Rise/The Great Snipe Hunt Aired: Aug 13, 1999 High Rise Og goes crazy because everyone wants him to invent something, main...
10. Jujubombs/Turtle Stew Aired: Aug 28, 1999 JuJu Bombs Mike wants a taste of candy, so Og tries to make JuJu bombs until...
11. A Bicycle Built for Me/Crowded House Aired: Sep 10, 1999 A Bicycle Built for Me Og finishes building Mike's bike. The problem is all ...
12. Nobody's Nose/Scuba Doobie Doo Aired: Sep 24, 1999 Nobody's Nose Mike is chosen to be the island's nose, leader for a day, she ...
13. High Camp/Sneeze, Please Aired: Oct 8, 1999 High Camp The gang goes camping while Lu tries to scare them claiming a Wool...