Zac's first day at Heartlake International High School begins, and his cousin...
Lego Friends: The Next Chapter
Take a glimpse into Heartlake International High School, featuring a fresh batch of new friendships.
Take a glimpse into Heartlake International High School, featuring a fresh batch of new friendships.
Zac's first day at Heartlake International High School begins, and his cousin...
The next episode follows Aliya, Autumn, Liann, and Nova as they try to mend t...
In the next episode, Liann's anger boils over into a provocative art piece ta...
Nova's video game flops, and Autumn faces a challenge helping a puppy in dist...
As Autumn and Aliya embark on a horseback ride through the serene autumn land...
The friends collaborate to develop a concept for their annual project, combin...
Leo struggles to balance his involvement in the community center's street fai...
Aliya faces a dilemma when multiple friends suggest different ideas for the c...
The friends' excitement for the community centre's grand opening is dampened ...
Aliya's ankle injury sparks a desperate attempt to break free from the nurse'...
The festive atmosphere of Christmas descends upon Heartlake, bringing with it...
Main Cast
LEGO Friends New Beginnings Sneak Peek: Opening Scene