The story takes place in a fictional galaxy filled with countless moons, each under threat from an enigmatic black miasma that destroys everything in its path. These moons are guarded by children called Moonflowers, who use their emotional states to activate magical "treasures" provided by an infantile being named Little Dreamer. The treasures can then be planted to grow trees with the power to repel the miasma. The first episode introduces the titular character Hanazuki, born on a moon inhabited by colorful rabbit-like creatures called Hemkas who each represent different emotions that Hanazuki mirrors. Throughout several episodes, Hanazuki embarks on adventures alongside her friends and learns about her emotional responsibilities. The series concludes with Hanazuki growing a Treasure Tree tailored to her mood in the final episode. Later in the series, Hanazuki encounters a fellow Moonflower named Kiazuki who failed to fulfill her duty of protecting her own moon. She seeks to understand why Hanazuki succeeded.
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures
In a distant galaxy, moons face an ominous threat from a dark force that threatens their survival. The Moonflower named Hanazuki holds the key to saving them.