Author Manoel Carlos specializes in family dramas and romantic stories that revolve around single mothers like Helena. The novel follows Helena as a 50-something single mother raising young adults Camila and Fred. Despite the warmth from neighbors and strangers, she faces challenges with her daughter-in-law Iris, half-sister, and old father who abandoned them 20 years ago. In an attempt to cope, Helena falls in love with a young doctor, Edu, who is the same age as her daughter. However, she struggles with their romantic relationship due to Camila's lack of character development. When Camila develops leukemia, there's only one way to save her: a transplant from a close relative. Now, Helena must find a compatible donor among her family members, and the story explores the emotional journey as she navigates these challenges.
Family Ties
Unconditional love a mother feels towards her daughter, regardless of their romantic involvement with the same individual.