El Clon (The Clone) is a Spanish-language telenovela released in 2010. It was produced by Telemundo, Caracol Television from Colombia, and Globo from Brazil. The show is based on O Clone, which originally aired on Globo in 2001 and Telemundo in 2002. This limited-run melodrama starred Mauricio Ochmann and Sandra Echeverria, dealing with topics like drug trafficking, cloning, and Islam. Telemundo executive Mark Santana called it "the most ambitious telenovela" in history. The show features a love triangle centered around Lucas, who falls for an Arab girl named Jade despite her Islamic upbringing. When they separate, two decades later, their fates cross again with the appearance of a young clone. Jade must choose between the man she loved and the memory of her childhood.
The Ferrer family, Albreri, and Christina travel to Morocco on vacation. Dieg...