In this show, a young mouse named Max is forced to move to his Aunt's home under the White House in Washington, D.C. after his family is killed by exterminators.
Max, a traumatized mouse, flees to the White House to start anew with his cou...
"Rodents and insects living in the walls of the White House embark on thrilling adventures."
In this show, a young mouse named Max is forced to move to his Aunt's home under the White House in Washington, D.C. after his family is killed by exterminators.
Max, a traumatized mouse, flees to the White House to start anew with his cou...
Max finds himself confined to a briefcase belonging to a charming yet corrupt...
In the next episode, Jammet's discovery of a gun sets off a chain of events a...
Max's fellow rodents are hostile towards Moze, a cockroach, when she shows up...
A stowaway family of Japanese mice arrives at the White House, and Max's hero...
Opie the squirrel becomes dependent on caffeine pills, courtesy of Jammet's s...
Next episode, Max persuades his friends to welcome an elderly cockroach coupl...
Jammet springs into action to save an owl's habitat when a construction crew ...
Max uncovers a remarkable duo of a rat and a cockroach, who have been survivi...
In the next episode, a blackout hits the White House, and Jammet seizes the o...
Jammet's ill-fated attempt to cheat during a baseball game results in him, Ma...
12. The Lady Doth Protest to Munch
Aired:Berkley's hunger strike to protest a vetoed bill is put to the test as tempti...
13. If Lovin' You Is Wrong, I Don't Wanna Be Rat
Aired:The President's grandchildren bring their adorable pet hamster to the White H...
Main Cast