A remake of the 1973 classic, this film follows ACP Vijay, a dedicated and honest police officer who has been transferred repeatedly for pursuing corrupt underworld figures. When Mala, a beautiful woman from outside India, witnesses a murder by Teja's gang and refuses to cooperate, Teja's gang targets her for elimination. ACP Vijay shields Mala and convinces her to give a statement, but soon finds himself falling in love with her. Meanwhile, Sher Khan, an illegal car dealer, becomes a close friend of ACP Vijay, willing to risk his life for their bond. The story explores Vijay's struggles against the corrupt system and his battle against Teja's gang.
Vijay Khanna, a seasoned ACP, relocates to Mumbai to tackle the ruthless oil mafia, spearheaded by the notorious Rudra Pratap Teja.