Young-Jak Joo, a newly-hired gofer, becomes entangled in a powerful South Korean corporate-crime family consumed by sex, money, and deceit. The family uses bribery to silence a government official, and their young heir is free to indulge in lavish excess. The family's wealth is so immense that they are unbothered by the young bag-man's task of collecting cash from a storeroom overflowing with money. However, when the CEO's wife discovers his affair with the maid through spy cameras, she becomes enraged and orders Mr. Joo to have an affair with her, then tasks him with monitoring the video screens.
The Taste of Money
A wealthy socialite's loyal assistant exposes her husband's scandalous infidelity, setting off a chain reaction of steamy encounters, tangled relationships, and high-stakes deception that puts his very existence at risk.