The classic Christmas movie begins with a narrator singing the opening stanzas of a famous poem as the house is shown to be at rest. Santa Claus then descends from the roof, opens his bag of toys, and brings them to life. The toys decorate the Christmas tree, with a toy cannon firing balls, a toy airplane creating a garland, and toy firemen adding snow. A blimp delivers the star to the top of the tree, while Santa fills the stockings. As the children wake up, Santa quickly escapes up the chimney, and the movie ends with the closing verse of the poem being sung.
The Night Before Christmas
The iconic poem comes to life as a narrator's soothing voice recites the opening verses, accompanied by a serene scene of a quiet house. Suddenly, Santa Claus descends upon the roof, slipping down the chimney with ease, and begins to unpack his sack of toys. As the toys emerge, they transfor...