In a world where magic is dwindling, three wizards, Carolinus, Solaris, and Lo Tae Zhao, join forces to create a Realm of Magic to preserve their way of life. However, their plans are threatened by Ommadon, the Red Wizard, who seeks to take over the world. Carolinus assembles a team of three to defeat Ommadon, including a young writer, Peter Dickinson, who is transported back in time and merged with a dragon, Gorbash. The team faces numerous challenges as they journey to defeat Ommadon, aided by magical artifacts and new allies, including a wolf, an archer, and a tree elf. Along the way, Peter forms a spiritual bond with Carolinus's daughter, Melisande, and together they overcome the obstacles in their path.
The Flight of Dragons
In a world where magic and mythology reign supreme, a young Boston writer finds himself transported back in time to an era where dragons soar the skies and the boundaries of science are yet to be discovered.