Fifteen years ago, a powerful organization known as the Super Task Force Six was mysteriously disbanded by the sinister Emperor Zagel. Since then, he has been secretly developing a devastating super weapon, fueled by the combined might of the six legendary armors. When a former Enforcer discovers Zagel's plan, he takes a massive risk to steal Unit Green and entrust it to an unprepared Jason. Can Jason successfully evade Zagel's grasp and keep Unit Green out of his hands? With the original Super Task Force Six unable to defeat Zagel, the fate of the newly formed Super Task Force ONE hangs precariously in the balance.
Super Task Force One
Fifteen years ago, the Super Task Force Six was covertly disbanded by the diabolical Emperor Zagel. Since then, he has been secretly developing a devastating super weapon fueled by the combined power of the six legendary armors. Meanwhile, a former Enforcer covertly transports a powerful super su...