Pinocchio, a curious and adventurous puppet, runs away from his creator Jepetto to explore the world alongside his horse companion Tibalt. They join a traveling circus run by the cunning Modjafocco, where Pinocchio becomes the main attraction. As he performs and charms audiences across the country, a mysterious duo, The Cat and The Fox, is stealing from the spectators. Despite being the prime suspect, Pinocchio is unaware of the robberies, as he is smitten with Bella and seeks the help of Lucilda to become a living boy and win her heart.
Pinocchio: A True Story
Pinocchio, a curious and adventurous puppet, flees his creator Geppetto's workshop accompanied by his loyal horse companion, Tibalt, to explore the world and discovers a traveling circus run by the charismatic but unscrupulous Modjafocco.