Louise, 18, is trapped in a dilapidated boarding school in rural England, finding solace in her secret affair with American art teacher Matthew, the second husband of the headmistress, Veronica Van Huet. As half-term approaches, Louise convinces Veronica to let her stay at school, claiming she needs to study for exams. The empty Victorian building becomes a haunting backdrop as Louise and Matthew's intimacy is exposed. Despite her hurt and anger, Veronica doesn't expel Louise, knowing Matthew is responsible. Veronica and Matthew plan an art fraud to save the school, but their harmony is short-lived when Veronica discovers a painful truth about Matthew's love for Louise.
Out of Bounds
In the midst of a dreary English boarding school, 18-year-old Louise finds solace in her forbidden romance with Matthew, the American art teacher and second husband of the headmistress, as they navigate the dark and isolated atmosphere of their surroundings.